Nestled between the quaint town of Somerset West and the picturesque Strand, sitting conveniently at the intersection of the N2 & R44, you will find Somerset Mall.
Striking the perfect balance between the friendly and familiar essence of a local market and an all-inclusive retail offering of a trendsetting, global shopping destination the mall appeals to consumers from all walks of life. An authentic home-away-from-home to anyone who visits.
With 180 stores which include an array of local and international retail brands including a wide selection of specialty retailers, restaurants, cafés and coffee shops, which serve a superb selection of everyday staples and delicacies, the mall is an attraction to not only the local trendsetters but also appeals to the international shopper and is a well noted must-visit tourist destination.
Motivated by the aspiration to be a world-class shopping centre Somerset Mall strives to stimulate all the senses and provide consumers with an authentic and holistic lifestyle shopping experience. The mall is explorative in its approach and through unique forms of entertainment and innovative exhibitions curate the ideal environment for a fully immersive shopping experience.
At the core of these innovative, unique, and explorative ideas, is the steadfast commitment to promote social and environmental sustainability.
Somerset Mall strives to provide a trustworthy, transparent, and sustainable investment opportunity for all its partners. By adhering to global best practices aims to become a partner of choice for tenants, shoppers, employees, and investors.
Situated in the heart of the Helderberg basin and easily accessible from the N2 highway and R44, it is an attractive shopping destination with a backdrop of the majestic Helderberg. While it is a firm favourite amongst shoppers from the immediate surrounds - Somerset West, Strand, Stellenbosch, Gordons Bay, Grabouw and Elgin - it is also a one-stop destination for travellers passing by during the busy tourist seasons.